Facial tissues are convenient solutions that help to maintain hygiene as well as to prevent the spread of pathogens. However, these ingenious paper products can backfire if not used or disposed of appropriately. It could indeed become a channel for the same pathogens it strives to combat. Moreover, improper disposal of facial tissues could result in littering which is yet another environmental issue.

In this context, the following sections dedicated to offering proper use and disposal measures for facial tissues have their relevance. These insights with suggestions from reputed tissue suppliers in UAE are guaranteed to ensure optimal hygiene and environmental safeguards.

Proper Use of Facial Tissues: Best Practices

Covering Sneezes and Cough

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), respiratory droplets from sneezes or coughs travel up to 6 ft. These respiratory droplets may contain viruses and bacteria. In such instances covering up the face with facial tissues is a highly recommended option to curb the spread of pathogens. This is proven by studies such as the one published in the American Journal of Infection Control which projected about 45% reduction in the spread of respiratory illnesses through such practices.

Avoiding Tissue Reuse

In the absence of a sufficient supply of tissue, there could be temptations to reuse it. This will only reintroduce germs back to the face leading to further infections. Instead try using a fresh tissue each time you cough, sneeze, or wipe your face. Ensuring a reliable supply of tissues in frequently used spaces is also an advisable option according to tissue paper supplier in Dubai.

Proper Storage

The sole purpose of tissue is to contain germs. To meet this goal it must be kept away from these germs. Clean and dry storage away from dust, dirt, and other contaminants should be preferred. Tissue boxes and covers can be used in this direction.

Choosing Eco-Friendly Tissues

Here the choices are tissues made from recycled materials and the biodegradable ones. According to a study published in the Journal of Environmental Management tissues made from recycled materials reduces deforestation and energy consumption by about 40%. So such sustainable choices should be included in the best practices for using tissues.

Other than these best practices it is worth mentioning that tissues are not supposed to be shared. 

Proper Disposal of Facial Tissues: Effective Strategies

Immediate Disposal

Once a tissue has been used it is a matter of urgency to dispose of it.

Use of Lined Trash Bins

Disposing of the facial tissues in the surroundings or surfaces should not be practiced. Keeping them in the pockets is also detrimental in that it offers a breeding environment for pathogens.

The ideal tissue disposal site as recommended by tissue suppliers in UAE should be a lined trash bin. It will prevent contamination while ensuring that they are managed effectively.  Also, ensure that the bin has a secure lid offering an effective bulwark against contamination. 

If it is your personal space take special care to empty the bin periodically. Because accumulated tissues are another conducive environment for pathogen build-up.

Hand Hygiene

Once the tissue has been disposed it is essential to wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This will help to take care of any remaining germs that could have reached the hands from facial tissues. In case soap and water are not available hand sanitizer with at least 60% of alcohol levels is preferable.

The Benefits of Best Practices

Other than preventing contamination and ensuring hygiene the following benefits are attributed to the above-mentioned best practices.

  • Environmental Protection

The choice of eco-friendly tissues and their disposal with a concern for nature reduces environmental impacts and minimizes littering and landfill waste.

  • Prevents Surface Contamination

By immediately disposing of the tissue in appropriate spaces surface contamination and thus the chances for the spread of pathogens through indirect contact can be prevented. This will result in healthy public spaces.

  • Promotes Good Habits

In the first place education on such best practices develops better tissue hygiene in individuals. Secondly, such voluntary actions contribute to the development of health-conscious habits. Tissue suppliers in UAE are also optimistic in that such habits could be cultivated in a larger society.

  • Better Public Health

The World Health Organisation emphasizes the importance of proper tissue disposal in preventing outbreaks. Thus effective strategies in tissue usage can contribute to public health and reduce the burden on the healthcare systems. Moreover, public health will be benefited as a result of the snowball effect of all the above-mentioned benefits.

To sum up the above sections, we went through some best practices for the proper use of tissues and the benefits of such practices.

At Find General Trading we are committed to contributing to these practices by delivering sustainable tissue supplies. As a leading tissue paper supplier in Dubai, our share is an environmentally conscious tissue supply. If you would like to join this mission with us, do pay a visit to our online stores.